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Page Start Date May of 2023            New UFO Data

The UFO Believers page  . . .


The Five eyes program . . . .

The Timeline page . . . .

Dr. Lacatski AAWSAP UFO program . . . The US has a UFO . . .

Professor Garry Nolan's UFO Crash Test Sample: Mass Spectrometer UFO Sample Testing. 

Apollo 14 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's "Admiral Wilson - Davis Memo"

Senator Harry Reid's Push for the 22 million dollar AAWSAP UFO Program and the relations with Bob Lazar and David Grusch about UFOs.


The US Government Has a UFO

Dr. James Lacatski  Oct. 7th. 2023 release of UFO  Gov. info.

Statements in 2007, The US Capitol, Washington DC  and  Now  Oct. 7th. 2023 . . . 


Dr. Lacatski stated:

The United States was in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior.

This craft had a streamlined configuration suitable for aerodynamic flight,

but no intakes, exhaust, wings, or control surfaces.

In fact, it appeared not to have an engine, fuel tanks, or fuel.


Dr. Lacatski Quote:   The AAWSAP UFO Program . . . 

You might say it was “TESTs of Various Components of a UFO” and the study of Paranormal Effects of UFO contacts.

Dr. Lacatski worked for the DOD for over 35 years.

US Nuclear Missile Program . . .  he was a rocket scientist . . . 

This book was vetted by the Department of Defense with a 7 month review before its release.


"EBEs" Contact  1954

" Extraterrestrial Biological Entities"

In 1954 this Government SOM1--1 Booklet was printed. It describes the Aliens and Craft. How to cover up public attention. Below are word for word transcripts of this UFO procedure manual 1954.


This page lays out what the US Government Knew in 1954 about UFOs visiting and what the US Government Knows NOW in the year 2024

Free UFO Data Copy and paste text . . .

So, 70 years ago or so, the US government knew these craft could fly at 7000 miles per hour.

They knew these biological entities, beings from other worlds were coming here to study and interact with all the different races of this world.

What dose the US Government know and what will they revile to the US public in 2023 ?

This page will update the facts . . . 



Special Operations Manual 1 - 01


Printed in 1954      Released in 1994


 28 page document - page 6 word for word.

SOM1 -1 manual       1954        page 6


  1. Description of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) Examination of remains recovered from wreckage of UFOB indicates that Extraterestrial Biological Entities may be classified into two distinct Categories as follows:

A.  EBE Type 1. These entities are humanoid and might be mistaken for human beings of the Oriental race if seen from a distance.

They are bi-pidal, 5-5 feet 4 inches in height and weigh 80 – 100 pounds. Proportionally they are similar to humans, although the cranium is somewhat larger and more rounded.


The skin is pale, chalky-yellow in color, thick and slightly pebbled in appearance.

The eyes are small, wide set, almost almond-shaped, with brownish -black irises with large pupils. The whites of the eyes are not like that of humans, but have a pale gray cast.

The ears are small and set low on the skull.

The nose is thin and long, and the mouth is wider than in humans, and nearly lipless.

There is no apparent facial hair and very little body hair, that being very fine and confined to the under arm and the groin area.

The body is thin and without apparent body fat, but the muscles are well-developed.


The hands are small, with four long digits but no opposable thumb. The outside digit is joined in a manner as to be nearly opposable, and there is no webbing between the fingers as in humans.


The legs are slightly but noticeably bowed, and the feet are somewhat splayed and pro-portionally large.


B.  EBE Type 2 These entities are humanoid but differ from Type 1 in many respects.


They are bi-pidal, 3 feet 5 inches- 4 feet 2 inches in height and weigh 25 – 50 pounds.


Proportionally, the head is much larger than humans or Type 1 EBEs, the cranium being much larger and elongated.


The eyes are very large, slanted, and nearly wrap around the side of the skull. They are black with no whites showing.


There is no noticeable brow ridge, and the skull has a slight peak that runs over the crown.

The nose consists of two small slits which sit high above the slit-like mouth.

There are no external ears.

The skin is pal bluish-gray color, being somewhat darker on the back of the creature, and is very smooth and fine-celled.

There is no hair on either the face or the body, and these creatures do not appear be mammalian.


The arms are long in proportion to the legs, and hands have three, tapering fingers and a thumb which is nearly as long as the fingers.


The second finger is thicker than the others, but not as long as the index finger.


The feet are small and narrow, and four toes are joined together with a membrane.


It is not definitely known where either type of creature originates, but it seems certain that they did not evolve on earth.

It is further evident, although not certain, that they have originated on two planets.

Page 6



So, 70 years ago or so, the US government knew these craft could fly at 7000 miles per hour.

They knew these biological entities, beings from other worlds were coming here to study and interact with all the different races of this world.


What dose the US Government know and what will they revile to the US public in 2023 ?


This page will update the facts . . . .



There is no hair on either the face or the body, and these creatures do not appear be mammalian.


The arms are long in proportion to the legs, and hands have three, tapering fingers and a thumb which is nearly as long as the fingers.

The second finger is thicker than the others, but not as long as the index finger.

The feet are small and narrow, and four toes are joined together with a membrane.


It is not definitely known where either type of creature originates, but it seems certain that they did not evolve on earth.

It is further evident, although not certain, that they have originated on two planets.

Page 6

Third Phase Moon  Great UFO Video Page:

Favorite Video -


The American Government had early contract with the EBEs. The Visitors (EBEs) set what they wanted, and the American government let the EBEs do what they were going to do, they could not stop them, so they joined them.


They had very limited control, and they were willing spectators to the many visits that were happening. Even in the 60s, 70s, 80s the visitors came and went and did what was on their agenda. We can only speculate what that is.


The EBEs have checked out American Nuclear Missile sites, shutting down launch capability of the American nuclear weapons, just to show us they could do things, if they had the intention to so.


The Russians were treated to their nuclear missel sites turning on full “Launch Missiles Firing Sequence” for several missiles at the same time and they could not shut them down. The EBEs shut off the launch sequence when they were finish testing the Russian systems.


So, what does this mean.  We are not alone, the interactions with our Visitors (EBEs) I know personally it is not a bad thing.


So, what does this mean. Many things happen in our lives, good and bad, but the interactions that have happened and will probably happen several times again before my death.


What Next . . . . . Who Knows . . . . . .